4 minutes

The popular online shooter Fortnite: Battle Royale has fallen into “Wild Times.” The island is attacked by raptors from the Jurassic period. These predators are capable of destroying anyone. High-speed movement, jaw strength and double attack are their main combat characteristics. In the 6th season of the 2nd chapter, adventure developers Epic Games suggest: to get acquainted with the customs of the wildlife that reigned on Earth more than 200 million years ago, hunt lizards in Fortnight.

Wild times

Description of the mission in the game Fortnight

Week 7 of Battle Royale Season 6 is full of epic challenges. This is the ability to put marks on weapons of different categories of rarity, and battles with the enemy using exotic, homemade, prehistoric and other types of small arms, and the ability to get meat from predatory animals. But the most dangerous of them is the lizard hunting. The latter spawn all over the island map and attack the heroes hunting them in pairs.

At the sight of a player or a team of hunters, they emit loud shrill screams, warning their relatives of imminent danger.

The location of the lizards

Dinosaurs to be destroyed are located in different locations on the island.

But in some, they appear especially often:

  • Weeping Grove;
  • Orchard;
  • Mountain town;
  • A store;
  • Giant cooling towers;
  • Big tower.

Weeping grove

To start completing the epic challenge of the 7th week of the 2nd chapter of the 6th season in Fortnite: Battle Royale, you just need to select one of the points on the map and land at the desired location. It is recommended to have good equipment, since the wild nature of the raptors will not allow you to conduct an easy hunt.

How to Train Your Predators in Fortnite

In addition to hunting dinosaur heads, Epics offer to learn how to tame prehistoric predators. It is not easy to do this, since the raptors are not the most friendly disposition, they live in prides, move in pairs and spawn in different locations of the island. Finding them will take some luck.

The main sign of the lizards’ habitat in one place or another is a clutch of eggs.

If you find one, it means that a pride of ancient animals lives somewhere nearby.

There are several proven ways to tame predators:

  1. With the help of the tossed meat of a killed animal. To get the prima, you need to go hunting and destroy the wild beast. After that, collect the remains and land in a loka with a previously discovered clutch of raptor eggs. The eggs hatched from the eggs will be under the supervision of nearby relatives. Therefore, throw the pieces of meat next to them and hide. Lizards will come running to the smell of skinned game, and you, using the “Interact” button, can tame one of them.
  2. Using the hunter’s cloak. This is an artifact designed for hunting wild animals. It makes the hero invisible, making it possible to get as close to the victim as possible. This cloak can be made by yourself, having obtained at least 1 meat and 2 bones of any predator. Use it in a location with raptors, using the “Interact” button for one of the approaching lizards.

Regardless of the method chosen, it is recommended to be careful in your actions.

Tame predators

Is it possible to ride dinosaurs

After you become the owner of a tamed pet, he will protect you at the first sign of danger. You can also tame a few more raptors and create your own army of primitive predators. They will become your auxiliary fighting force. Lizards cannot be used for other purposes (for example, as a riding unit).

Tips and tricks for passing

To effectively complete the Epic Challenge of Chapter 2 of Season 6 on Week 7 in Fortnite: Battle Royale, you need to have good hunting instincts, have powerful equipment and a map with notes on the location of the spawning lizards.

In addition, it is recommended:

  • make a hunter’s cloak;
  • have an adequate supply of meat;
  • exercise caution;
  • use the “Interaction” button when the raptor begins to eat the thrown piece of meat;
  • destroy 2 dinosaurs.

Fortnite: Battle Royale Hunt Lizardmen Epic Chapter 2, Week 7 Epic Challenge, Season 6 will reward you with 24,000 XP. It will be completed when you destroy 2 raptors. If there are no predators in your chosen location, move to another. Dinosaurs spawn randomly, and you will definitely find them in the new match.

Pass challenges, swing characters, improve your game skills and climb the levels, taking top positions with Epic Games, using the provided gaming platforms:

  • Microsoft Windows;
  • macOS;
  • Xbox One;
  • PlayStation 4;
  • PlayStation 5;
  • iOS, Android;
  • Nintendo Switch;
  • Xbox Series X/S.

Stay tuned for the popular online shooter Battle Royale Fortnite on Epic Games’ official web site to know when the new patch will be released with interesting tasks. Join the gaming community on social networks VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter and others for useful information. Also subscribe to Fortnight’s YouTube news channels.

In which location did you find raptors? In which way did you destroy 2 predators?