Esportsman falls asleep during Fortnite tournamentFortnite News

1 min.

15-year-old esports player Deyy fell asleep during an important tournament and missed the entire game. The team had to fight alone, despite the fact that the number of players was not equal.

Fortnite is a team game, so many were upset by Deyy’s behavior. A flurry of negative comments fell on the guy, gamers began to actively criticize the teen’s slip. One of Deyy’s teammates said that such behavior in Fortnite is unacceptable, because it’s a serious game.

Soon the young man apologized for his mistake. He explained that this behavior was caused by a lack of sleep. Deyy is not only engaged in esports, he is also studying. Lately, the guy had a lot of work, so he was overcame at the most inopportune moment.