7 minutes

Fortnight’s building ability is different from other online games. Building structures made of wood, stones and metal is an important skill, without which it is impossible to survive during the Battle Royale.


Basics to learn right away

Fortnite is one of the most popular online games. Users are offered a choice of many character skins, hundreds of weapons, interesting quests and rewards.

But in the game, not only tactical and sniper skills are important, but also construction skills.

By erecting a building, the gamer gets the opportunity to hide from enemies, restore health, and get an overview of the area. Experienced builders have a much better chance of winning the battle than sharpshooters, given the fact that there is no weapon customization in Fortnite.

Fortnite construction keyboard layouts

By default, buttons are programmed for construction in the upper (functional) row of the keyboard, which is not always convenient. During the game, you need to be able to instantly switch between different building tiles and weapons, so it’s better to correct the layout right away.

The erection of a wall can be connected to the Q key, stairs to E. The C, X, Z buttons can be responsible for creating floors, traps, etc. This way you can build much more efficiently.

Box of walls 1×1

The construction of the box begins from the stairs, after which you need to build 4 walls around it. So your hero will be protected from fire and gain a strategic advantage, because will stand above the enemy.


This design will help you quickly hide and escape.

Standard ladder

The ladder is one of the top most frequently used elements. With its help you can:

  • climb a hill or the roof of a building;
  • run away from the enemy;
  • gain altitude for the hang-glider jump.

The standard construction consists of a ladder and a support wall at the bottom. The structure has one drawback – it is unstable.


The enemy can easily destroy it when your character is at the top.

Multi-level staircase

If you need to climb to a great height, then it is better to strengthen the diagonal structure during construction so that it does not fall apart from the enemy’s shot.

In this case, you must first put the ladder, then the support wall below. After that, you should jump, install a floor slab and another ladder. For added protection, walls can be erected on the sides at each level, but this process requires more resources.

Continuous boxing

The continuous box is built upward. This design will help avoid enemy attacks. The construction begins from the floor on which the stairs are placed. Then you need to install 4 walls around, jump, creating the floor of the next floor under you, and another staircase.

Continuous boxing

If possible, erect the box so that it is at least 1 level higher than the enemy’s building – during a firefight, this will give you an advantage.

Ladders for rush

This type of ladder is used when you need to get close to an enemy hidden in a wooden box, while avoiding a bullet.

First, a series of standard ladders are erected – your character will be able to quickly move from one structure to another, without getting into the field of view of the enemy.

Closer to the opponent’s box, you should build a ladder of 3 levels, which will end right above the roof of the enemy structure – in this place you need to jump down and at the same time shoot through the roof to injure the hidden soldier.

Corner construction

A corner structure consisting of 2 walls at 90 ° to each other is an emergency measure of protection. Having met an enemy on the battlefield, you can set walls around yourself with one keystroke, jumping from one cover to another, approaching the enemy to attack or running away.


If your opponent does not have building skills or resources in stock, this technique will help you win.

Construction Learning Cards

The faster you can create buildings, the easier it will be to defend in battle. But not everyone succeeds in doing it right the first time. This skill takes practice, and special teaching cards are used for this purpose. You can find them on the official Epic Games website.

To download, you need to launch Fortnight, then select the creative mode and go to the “Recommended” tab. On this page, you must enter the digital code with which each scheme is marked, and wait – your hero will be transferred to the island.


In the center, you will see a platform for the start of the game, which must be stepped on in order for the timer to start. In creative mode, you can learn how to build different types of defensive and spy structures.

Fortnite Construction Simulator

If you are not confident in your building skills, then you can use special simulators for training. One of the most popular is Just Build. This game was created even before the advent of the creative mode in Fortnight.

The developers managed to accurately recreate the mechanics of the movement of the characters, the stages and methods of construction. It offers users not only a PC version, but also applications for gadgets that can be downloaded from Google Play and the App Store.

Just Build

Another free simulator is Fort Built Simulator. You can play directly from the Google Chrome browser. During the game, you can practice the skills of building walls, floors, roofs, stairs and other elements necessary in battle.

Building Tips for Newbies

To quickly upgrade your account and master defense skills, you should pay attention to the basic recommendations.

Collect resources on the go

Construction requires materials – it’s impossible to create buildings out of thin air. Therefore, immediately after landing on the map, it is better to arm yourself with a pickaxe and start looking for resources.

They can be obtained by chopping stones and trees. If it is possible to enter the house, then you can destroy furniture, walls and replenish stocks of wood.

Be careful. If you destroy all objects in a row in one place, rivals can notice this and start looking for you. It is important to constantly move so as not to fall under the sight of an enemy sniper.

The richest resource-rich zones on the map are Nectar Basin, Fatal Farm, Giant Cooling Towers, Gentle Shore, and Pleasant Park.

Building a fort to watch

Building a Scout Fort is one of the core skills of Fortnite players. This reinforcement is necessary if you need to stay in place. The fort will provide full protection and at the same time give the opportunity to observe the movement of opponents and shoot back if necessary.

It’s easy to create a construction site. First, you need to erect 4 walls around the perimeter (at an angle of 90 ° to each other), then jump, build a ladder and a floor under your feet.

If you need a taller fort to get a full view of the terrain, then create the next floor in the same way. It is better to build a spy structure at the top of the hill.

While the building is being built, it is better to constantly move, and not jump in the same place, so that the enemies cannot predict the pattern of your movements.

Building a fort to watch

A wooden structure is the fastest to create. Buildings made of stone and metal take longer to build, but are more resistant to enemy attacks.

Use of shelter structures

You can use ready-made buildings to hide, especially if you land in a crowded, high-rise area of ​​the map.

Find a narrow street or house with one entry / exit and set some traps. So you can safely collect resources and look for chests without worrying about not hearing the approaching enemy.

Lighting bonfires

If you need to quickly restore the level of health, but at the same time keep the area under observation, then you can light a fire right in the building. Even if the bonfire is located under the character (for example, under the stairs or on the level below), health reserves will be replenished.

Using Editing for Wall Transparency

If enemies have surrounded your building, you can go to the edit tab. At this moment, the walls of the shelter will become transparent, and you will be able to see from which side the enemies are approaching, come up with new tactics of retreat or attack.

Then you can exit the mode and the walls will return to their original state. Using editing tools, players can tweak designs, create windows and doors to escape enemies.

To destroy a structure, you don’t have to take turns breaking down the floors. It is enough to break the lower levels of the building with a pickaxe – the whole structure will fall by itself, restoring the supply of resources.

Have you already mastered the basics of construction? What skills did you find useful in battle?