9 minutes

With the introduction of the new Tough Man Briefing Challenge series, Fortnight has become even more interesting. Gamers are offered to go through several missions and receive a character skin as a reward, as well as additional styles for it.

Big guy's briefing

Fortnite Big Briefing Challenge Checklist

Quests open gradually. Some of them are easy to complete, others will take an effort to complete.

1 Sunday

In the first week, players are asked to complete a series of 10 challenges:

  • search boxes on Shark Island and in the Grotto;
  • inflict damage on spies;
  • open doors with an ID scanner;
  • find and open ammunition chests;
  • change your outfit several times in a telephone booth;
  • sneak up on a spy unnoticed;
  • during the battle, throw several items that restore the level of protection and health;
  • kill opponents without losing health;
  • visit the map ‘sights’;
  • cause damage to the enemy from 2 types of weapons.

1 Sunday

For completing each task, you will receive 40 thousand experience points, which will help you quickly close several game levels.

2 weeks

Players will also receive experience points for completing the next series of challenges.

The second week consists of the following tasks:

  • find and infiltrate the base of a secret organization;
  • teleport using a secret passage during a match;
  • kill opponents with a shotgun;
  • knock out the enemy and move him to another place;
  • cause damage to enemies from a position from below;
  • open boxes using an ID scanner;
  • shake spies while they are unconscious;
  • visit the “resort areas” of the map;
  • shoot enemies with a shotgun while in the air;
  • mine valuable resources, including stones, wood and metal.

2 weeks

Skin Styles Big Man: Shadow and Ghost

After completing the Briefing Challenges, gamers can get one of the following styles:

  1. “Shadow” – the character wears a classic black suit consisting of trousers, a jacket, a shirt and a tie. The fighter is wearing white gloves, and his face is completely hidden by a black and white ski mask.
  2. “Ghost” – the hero dresses up in white trousers and a jacket, which contrast with a black shirt and a silver tie. A white hockey mask appears on the character’s head, which completely hides the face.

Big Man Briefing Challenges 1 week – walkthrough

After completing the first series of tasks, the Big Man skin will appear in your closet.

Map with locations

Completing missions involves visiting locations such as:

  • Yacht;
  • Agency;
  • Shark;
  • Grotto;
  • Oil rig.

Map with locations

Land at Flashing Lighthouse, Ski Resort and High Mountain

There are 3 attractions to visit, including the Ski Resort, The Mountain and The Lighthouse. To see where the locations are on the Fortnight game map, hold down the “Y” key: the required points will be marked with a red marker.

Search chests in the Grotto or Shark

You will have to land in the Grotto or on Shark Island and look for chests.

To complete the task, you need to open 7 boxes, but it is not necessary to do this in 1 game.

Gamers recommend visiting these zones in Team Rumble mode.

Damage Spies

To complete this mission, you will have to go to the Agency or to Shark Island. Spies can be found in these areas dressed up in Battle Pass skins. Enemies are easy to identify: when they spot you, question marks or exclamation marks will appear above their heads.

Damage Spies

Gamers are advised to start the task on the Shark, tk. there are more spies and fewer other players than in the central part of the map. It is better to pass the test in the non-respawn mode. The mission will be considered complete if you deal 2000 damage to enemies.

Open doors with ID scanner in different matches

Locations such as Yacht, Oil Tower, Grotto, Shark or Agency are suitable for passing. Find the spy first and kill him. A plastic pass will fall out of the enemy’s pocket. As soon as you raise the ID, a route to the nearest scanner will appear on the map.

A machine gun is installed near each door with a lock, so first neutralize it, and then swipe the card along the beam of the identifier.

This procedure must be repeated 3 times.

Spend a total of 10 seconds crouched within 20m of an unsuspecting spy

Land in any location and find a spy, then sit down and start slowly approaching him. If the enemy does not notice you within 10 seconds, the task will be counted.

Search ammo crates in a single match

You need to find and open 7 green ammo boxes (they can be large or small). The boxes need to be searched in 1 match, so to complete the mission it is better to go to large locations and play in the “Team Brawl” mode.

Disguise yourself inside a phone booth in different matches

The player needs to land at a pay phone, go inside and change into a spy to disguise himself. The procedure should be repeated 3 times.

Disguise yourself inside a phone booth

Telephone booths are located in pairs at each location. For example, if you landed at the Agency, then one payphone is at the back of the building and the other is in front of the main entrance.

Throw various items that restore health and shield

First, find a first aid kit, large and small shields. Pick up items, but don’t use.

They need to be thrown at friends in order to restore their health or strengthen their defense.

The mission will be counted after you drop all 3 items.

Destroy players with a total of 100 health and shield or more

The player needs to kill at least 5 enemies and make sure that the level of health and protection does not drop below 100 units. When completing a task, do not engage in contact combat with enemies. Better to use a sniper rifle and shoot at opponents from cover.

Damage players using 2 different weapons for 10 seconds

During the fight, you need to use at least 2 types of weapons (for example, you can take a pistol with a machine gun). As soon as you injure the enemy, immediately switch to another type of weapon and continue the attack. If you succeed in 10 seconds, then the mission will be considered complete.

Damage players

Passing the test 2 weeks “Briefing of the big man”

In the second week of the “Briefing”, gamers have 10 more tasks. The term of completion is 7 days.

Cheat card

Before starting the next series of challenges, explore these locations:

  • Grotto;
  • Agency;
  • Beach village;
  • Nice park;
  • Fatal farm;
  • Mountain town.

A cheat map for these territories will speed up the Briefing.

Cheat card

Find Shadow bases

The hiding places are buildings taken over by agents of a secret organization called “The Shadow”. They are located in Pleasant Park, next to Beach Village and Fatal Farm, at Giddy Shore and near Lonely Lake. To close the mission, it is important to penetrate all 5 caches (this can be done by finding a secret passage or cutting through a wall).

Hide in secret passages in different matches

Secret passages are devices that teleport the player to another location on the Fortnite map. They are hidden near garbage cans, in public toilets, inside haystacks. If you use the secret passage in 3 matches, then the task will be considered completed.

Eliminate players with a shotgun

You need to kill 3 enemies with a shotgun. It is better to pass the mission in the “Team Brawl” mode.


Carry a knocked out enemy 50 yards away.

First, go to the rear of the enemy, taking with you a powerful weapon (you will have to shoot back from opponents). As soon as you knock out one of your opponents, lift him up and, holding down the “F” key, carry the body 50 m.

Damage players from below

To pass the test, you need to inflict 250 points of damage, being at a level below the enemy. To do this, it is enough to just sit down during the shot – the execution will be counted.

Open locked chests with ID scanners

Most of the chests are in the Grotto location, so go there. Find a phone booth and change to disguise yourself as a spy. If you in such a suit go to the box with a combination lock, it will open itself. Another option is to knock out the enemy and bring him to the box. To complete the task, you need to open 3 chests.

Open locked chests

Shake knocked out spies in different matches

For this mission, you can use the new function of the game Fortnight. Find the spy, hit him so that he loses consciousness, then come closer and hold down the “E” key. So your character can pull important data from the opponent. You need to do this with enemies in 3 different matches.

Deal damage to players with a shotgun while in the air

You need to inflict 200 damage to enemies while in the air at this moment. It is not necessary to fly. It is enough to make a shot while jumping.

Kill opponents in Beach Village or Weeping Grove

Head to the Weeping Grove or Beach Village to complete the challenge. During your stay at the “resort” you need to find and kill 3 opponents. It’s easier to complete the mission in single player mode.

Beach village

Collect 500. wood, 400 units. stone and 300 units. metal

This is one of the simplest tests. The “Team Brawl” mode is suitable for passing. Go to any location and start cutting down buildings, trees, objects. In 2 minutes you will have time to collect the required amount of resources.

Complete 18 challenges

For 2 weeks, players receive 20 tasks. To complete the “Briefing”, it is enough to complete 18 missions. Upon completion, the final episode opens, the completion of which will guarantee the player a new style for the Big Man.

Steal security plans from the Oil Rig, Yacht or Shark and deliver them to the “Shadow” or “Ghost”

Gamers are faced with the task of infiltrating the enemy base and stealing security plans. The documents can be found in the Oil Rig’s server room. Another set is hidden in a mansion on Shark Island.

But the easiest target to break into is the Yacht. If you fly up to it from the west or east side and cut through the wall in the bow, you will be able to almost imperceptibly get into the server room. You will only have 1 guard on the way, who will have to be removed.

Come closer to the documents, then hold down the “E” key to pick up the find.

The last step is to throw the stolen document into the mailbox.

Location of mailboxes

Mailboxes are scattered all over the map. The choice of point will depend on the base from which you stole the secret plan. If the attack was made on the Yacht, then go to the Giant Cooling Towers. The closest to Shark Island are crates on Giddy Shore. If you stole the documents at the Oil Tower, then the easiest way is to get to the Nekratnaya Lowland.

Each zone has boxes of both “Shadows” and “Ghost” (2 containers are close to each other). If you throw the plan into the gray box, you will receive dark equipment for the Big Man. If you choose a white box, then a white outfit for the character will appear in your closet.

Have you already passed all the tests? Which style do you like best?