4 minutes

The start of Season 11 in Battle Royale Fortnite brought new game elements to the overall gameplay mechanics. Robots created by Epic Games began to play against and along with the players. To understand how to interact with AI, you need to study all the existing commands for a bot in Fortnite.


Fortnite bot system

In all online browser games, gamers are graded into professionals and beginners, and Battle Royale is no exception. The former have long-term gaming experience and, over time, acquire the full range of gaming skills and knowledge. The latter often encounter game mechanics for the first time, and a collision with a progamer on the battlefield may give them the wrong impression of their own capabilities.

To balance the situation and make newcomers feel like strong players, Epics decided to introduce mobs into the gameplay of Fortnite.

Thus, newbie has the opportunity to learn the game at the first stages of entry in all existing modes, except for the competitive one.

The system of introducing low-level robots in Fortnite is built in such a way that the beginning player encounters mainly mobs during matches. According to the developers, such a training experience will help the newly arrived gamer to adapt to the gameplay and study its features. With the development of skills and transitions to new levels, newbie begins to compete with opponents of his own kind.

Bot system

Bot mechanics

The appearance of bots in Fortnite is not much different from the appearance of the players. They also wear different skins, farm resources, create buildings, and fight on the map. But not all gamer features are available to AI players. For instance:

  • you cannot team up with robots;
  • they cannot use vehicles;
  • robots cannot play in creative mode;
  • not all types of construction are available to them.

Epic Games allows for the creation of a lobby with only robots, which can be opposed by newcomers. The introduction of a special regime is under development.

Bot mechanics

How to create a bot with all skins in Fortnite

To make a robot yourself in the game, follow these steps:

  • download the archive from the link in the game description and unpack it;
  • open npmpackageininstall.but and wait for the necessary files to be installed;
  • to configure the robot, open bot.is using notepad or WordPad;
  • create an account for the bot in the game and enter e-mail and password in the special fields;
  • enter the skin ID in the special field;
  • save the created document;
  • launch Fortnite Load.bat and add the bot as a friend in Battle Royale Fortnite;
  • after the bot appears on the network, invite it to the lobby;
  • to change the skin of the robot, select on the “Team Management” tab;
  • in the “Personal message” enter the name of the skin in the command line and send it to the AI ​​in a personal message;
  • select a new skin and apply it to the bot.

How to play against bots

The introduced matchmaking allows new players to train combat skills, make defensive structures if necessary, farm resources in a soft competitive environment with little game experience. Robots are introduced automatically at the initial levels of the game. They can be distinguished from the players by their limited set of actions in traditional gameplay. If you are a beginner, then you are already competing with AI.

To play only against robots, you need to have a special Fortnite Creator code, which is issued to creators of content located on popular platforms YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Moreover, the creator must have at least 1000 subscribers on these channels. If you meet these criteria, do the following:

  • apply for connection to the system in the user settings;
  • after receiving the code, select the type of game;
  • enter the key in the Custom Matchmaking Key window;
  • confirm the selected type of game;
  • prohibit the addition of new players on the new map.

If you don’t have your own channel, but your friend is a Fortnite Battle Royale content creator, they’ll give you a key to get to the desired mode at your request.

What is your Fortnight experience? Do you want to play against AI players? Do you think the bot has the necessary skills to develop gameplay?